Home » 70 years electric drum pump – 70 years FLUX brand

70 years electric drum pump – 70 years FLUX brand

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 In 1950, the electric drum pump was invented and given the name FLUX. 2020 seesthe FLUX brand celebrating its 70th anniversary.

  FLUX-GERÄTE is thanking its customers with a huge competition based on onforwarding of photographic images

  In 1950, the first electric drum pump was given the name FLUX. Since then, FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH has launched numerous innovations, which make it easier and more efficient for users to conduct their daily work involving emptying, mixing, filling or meteringfluids. In 2020, FLUX-GERÄTE is celebrating two 70th anniversaries at once – that of the FLUX brand and that of the invention of the first electric drum pump.

  Klaus Hahn, Managing Partner explains: “We are just a little proud of how our company and brand has developed over the decades. This wouldn’t have been possible without our customers. It is only through their suggestions that we have been able to make the FLUX brand what it is today: a consistently reliable and innovative partner, which understands customer requirements and translates them into safe and reliable solutions. We would like to thank our customers for their many years of loyalty and the confidence they have placed in us“.

  FLUX gives insight into its history with an especially designed landing page for this 70 years occasion. From March until September 2020 there also is a huge competition with attractive prizes based on the forwarding of photographic images around pumps. The winners will be drawn out of all participants. The celebrations will end with a charity concert in September.

FLUX drum pumps


  In 1950, the world’s first electric drum pump was given the name FLUX. In the meantime, the undisputed pioneer of drum pump technology has developed outstanding know-how and experience in many other areas of pump technology. The company’s wide product range now extends from a huge range of different types of pumps with motors, flow meters, and accessories through special system solutions such as the drum-emptying systems to custom-designed systems for plant engineering. This internationally operating family-owned company, with its seven subsidiaries and numerous representatives, supplies its products in more than 100 countries worldwide.

  The first electric drum pump was given the name FLUX. In 2020, the FLUX brand is celebrating its 70th anniversary.

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