SITA ConSpector

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Easy control of contamination level in cleaning and rinsing baths

The SITA ConSpector controls the contamination level in cleaning and rinsing baths. An increasing contamination level causes decreasing cleaning power. A high parts cleanliness despite an optimal cleaning agent concentration cannot be guaranteed anymore if the bath is contaminated e.g. due to oils or greases.

The light guide rod at the sensor head of the measuring device is immersed in the sample to be measured. The measurement starts at the touch of one button. The contamination level is displayed within a few seconds. Based on this measuring result, an optimal point of time for bath care actions or preparation of a fresh cleaning solution can be determined.

Failures of treatment measures can be quickly identified due to continuous bath replenishment. For an easy operation, the measuring value is compared to an individually determined limit value and when exceeding an alarm signal is sent out by the device.

Controlling the bath contamination ensures a high cleaning quality and thus high parts cleanliness for processes in the field of surface coating and surface treatment. Cleaning bath contamination is reproducibly detected due to the fluorescence measurement. Controlling the contamination level allows reliable and efficient process management.

Determination of contamination level at the touch of one button
Targeted initiation and control of bath replenishment actions
Identify operation errors e.g. stop of bath treatment actions
Automatic evaluation of bath conditions due to pre-determined limit values
Use of measuring device independent of used bath chemicals through to a calibration
Automatic saving of measuring data including date, time, and temperature

Removing contamination off cleaning and rinsing bath in the industrial part cleaning industry ensures a long bath operation time and high parts cleanliness. The SITA ConSpector can measure the bath contamination in cleaning and rinsing baths at the plant or in the laboratory. The measuring result is available within a few seconds.

Sudden process disturbances such as the breakdown of the filter unit or a high increase of the contamination level in the bath can be immediately identified and resolved at the same time. Cleaning bath treatment measures can be carried out and controlled according to the application. The cleaning process can be carried out within allowed limit values leading to a reliable cleaning result. Controlling the rinsing steps with regard to the carry-over effect of contamination or cleaning chemicals avoids further contamination of parts.

Examples for detectable contamination:

  • Cooling lubricants
  • Rolling oil
  • Grease
  • Deep drawing oils
  • Release agents